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Truth Nugget - Wearing a False Mantle

I discovered a new term in ministering to a wounded person last week. I was asking him questions so he could get revelation of how he was carrying the pain and shame of his violent dad. In the midst of his discover, he said “I am carrying my dad’s mantle". Wow! Doesn’t that paint a strong picture? This young man knew about the mantle of the Lord and how he carried certain gifts given to him by God. He was walking in some of it strongly and desired to walk in it consistently and even stronger- - BUT the reality is that the “false mantle” was actually cutting him off from the Father God’s love to better use his “True Heavenly Mantle”. Are you carrying or wearing a “false mantle”? What does it look like? How does it feel? Release those who have placed their “false mantle on you” and release yourself for why you have decided you must wear it. Look for places that are missing love and warmth. Then, renounce it and make room for the real thing. As a Christian, called to be His Son or Daughter, what is God’s “True Mantel” on your life? He will help you discover this; it will be surrounded with His love and acceptance.


Upcoming Events:

  • Seasons of Healing Seminar, “Entering the Heavenly Court for His Justice”October 7, 2017 at the Indy Vineyard at 8383 Craig Street, Indianapolis 46250

  • Higher Ground, Informational Meetings with Kim Gould – August 15 and 31 at 7 pm. 7001 North State Road 37, Martinsville, IN 46151 (behind Golf Cart Sales Place)

Nancy Brush Seasons of Healing

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