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A VISION: His Cup of Nutrients
Learning to Release and Receive


(Sometimes when the Lord wants to speak to us, He will give a vision or a dream in the night. Always bring it back to the Lord, and ask for His understanding in it.)
(Joel 2:28-30; Acts 16:9)

I had a vision and saw the Lord walking towards me. He was carrying a large white soup cup in both of His hands. He was bringing it to me, but it was also for all of His children.


He said to me, “Lift-up your hands and take my soup cup.” At that moment, I realized my hands were pulled down with a heavy burden. I had to let go of what I was holding to be able to take His cup. I also had to identify what it was that I was holding onto. He was patiently waiting for me to let go of the burden, so I could receive His goodness.

This cup was holding a clear broth full of His rich nutrients of goodness, kindness, anointing, peace, joy, mercy, comfort, grace, faithfulness, strength, wisdom, counsel, understanding, discernment, hope, grace, love, and much more. It contained the things He gained through His victory at the Cross. He wants to pour into you and into me that same victory.

He says, “I am so pleased as you go out to serve me, but don’t neglect the nutrients I have for you. As you hold this cup in your hands, take a conscious sip that goes down deep into your inner most being. Let it warm and strengthen you for the task
at hand”.


Do you desire to go deeper?


Invitation to Reflection


A VISION – YOU Learning to Release and Receive


Promise of His Word:
“Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately…”
(1 Peter 5:7 AMPC)

Your Suggested Prayer:
Abba-Father, The One Who loves me, You promise to always be with me; and never leave me helpless or relax your hold on me. I also ask You to reveal to me the burden I am holding onto. Help me release this burden/anxiety and put my trust in You. I open my heart to hear what You want me to know.

In Jesus Christ (Yeshua), the Anointed Messiah…Amen


Journal the following questions:

What burden or anxiety are you holding in your hands and your heart?


What keeps you from letting the burden go? What do you believe will happen if you
do let go of it? What is your fear(s)?


Can you look into His loving eyes and prepare to hold your hands out for His cup?
Can you take a sip of His goodness?



Breathe Deeply and Clap:
Breathing opens the brain and a clap can disengage what is being held in the back of the brain. (Breathe in your nose to the count of 7, hold to the count of 7, breathe out your mouth vigorously to the count of 10.) Clap.


My Prayer For You:
Abba-Father, I ask that You would remove the veil from his/her eyes so they can see clearly what you want them to know. Breakdown the resistance that keeps them holding onto this burden. I ask for Your forgiveness to flow over them with a cleansing of Your Blood. Give them the power to let go and the trust in You to show them how to receive. Help them to look past their fears and trust You.

In Jesus Christ (Yeshua), The Anointed Messiah…Amen


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